
Tamasia Johnson

Online Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor

I'm not the Fitness Coach who's always been "skinny" or "fit." In fact, I was my heaviest, overwhelmed, inconsistent, and exhausted when I was an educator! 😅 
 80+ pounds and 5 years later, I'm thankful to use my skills as an educator to guide my "students" in an equally gratifying and life-changing way! As a fitness coach, I specialize in helping burned-out professional women, especially school leaders and educators feel like a baddass again, just like I did! At Curvylista Fitness, we blend nutrition, exercise, and your lifestyle so that you no longer come last to work, family, and life. Like you, I loved what I did. But, I didn’t love what loving what I did, did to me! And, something had to change. The same principles that helped me and many other women intertwined with your life, schedule and tastebuds, it’s possible to have a life free from burnout, overwhelm, inconsistency, heaviness (that’s what I call overweight), sluggish, weak, and wore out. I’ve learned that feeling like a badass is especially important when others depend on your wellness., like a whole classroom, or a whole school or more a network of schools! Not to mention YOU and your family! That's what we'll do together! Sign up for a 2-week trial or a 12-week program and let's go from burned out to feeling like a bad ass together!

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Tamasia Johnson