
From Burned Out to Bad Ass!

Get ready to meet the stronger, energetic, more confident, better version of you.

Is Feeling Burned Out and Putting Yourself Last Ruining Your Health?

If so, it's time to feel like a badass again! Let me guess... You’re crushing it in other areas of your life, but because you've gotten so used to putting yourself last, you look at yourself and your health and barely recognize what you see... Your demanding life is causing you to feel burned out and you can never seem to find time for yourself or your health... You’re not sure if you have what it takes because you’re feeling burned out and somehow you and your health always end up at the bottom of the list... But you want to feel better, like a badass again! Sound anything like you? If so, what would feeling like a badass again feel like to you? If the words confident, prepared, energized, lighter on my feet, and in control came to mind, you're right on track! Even if you're not sure because it's been a while, you just know you want it! Consider Curvylista Fitness your reset button! Here's the thing, your workload likely isn't changing. Your family life probably isn't changing either. Feeling burnt out and unmotivated to take care of your health likely isn't going to change either unless you do something. The answer: You have to learn how to put yourself higher on the list and take better care of your health while you take care of everything and everyone else. But, that won't happen overnight. And, I'll be honest, you won't be able to do it by yourself. Let's face it... doing what you know how to do got you where you don't want to be today. Thankfully, you're here! That means you want to do something. And, that's a good thing.. That's a start, actually. Let's see if I am close. Would you like to feel... more in control and less overwhelmed? more prepared and less skipping meals and dehydrated? more accountability and less inconsistency? more energized and less exhausted? more lighter on your feet and less sluggish and worn out? more like the confident badass version of you and less burnout? Am I close? If so, the fitness programs at Curvylista Fitness show you that: 1) you do have time for a workout... 2) you're not too busy to eat healthy... 3) you can kill it in your career, at home... 4) AND take the best care of your health! Sounds too good to be true? It's not! Learn more about our fitness programs and choose the best option to help you go from feeling burned out and putting your health on the back burner to feeling like a badass!

Success Stories

Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after

Fitness Programs

ONE WEEK TRIAL - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

ONE WEEK TRIAL - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

ONE WEEK TRIAL TO EXPERIENCE CURVYLISTA FITNESS The Move Your Body & Feel Like a Badass package is an online group fitness experience that you can do from home. During the trial, you'll get FOUR 45-minute strength training workouts, over the course of the week You'll create a schedule with Coach T and get access to the workouts for support and accountability. It's designed for women to put themselves and their bodies as a focal point of their day. It's the best way to feel like a badass in just 45 minutes!

Up to 4 on demand workouts interactive 45-minute Zoom workouts that are new workouts each day

Daily workout and nutrition tracking in the app

24/7 chat support

for 7 Days
ON DEMAND - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

ON DEMAND - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

The Move Your Body & Feel Like a Badass ON DEMAND package is an online group fitness experience that you can do from home. You'll get FOUR 45-minute strength training workouts to complete during the week. Before starting your on demand program, you'll create a schedule with Coach T and get access to the workouts for support and accountability. You'll also have a coach in your back pocket, everywhere you go! It's designed for women to put themselves and their bodies as a focal point of their day. It's the best way to feel like a badass in just 45 minutes!

Interactive 45-minute Zoom workouts that are new workouts each day

Daily workout and nutrition tracking in the app

24/7 chat support

for first 3 days
LIVE COACH - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

LIVE COACH - Move Your Body & Feel Like a Bad Ass

The Move Your Body & Feel Like a Badass LIVE COACH package is an online group fitness experience that you can do from home. You'll get FOUR real-time 45-minute strength training workouts to complete during the week. Workout Schedule Mon, Wed, and Friday at 6:15 am ET Saturday at 8 am ET You'll have a coach during your workout and in your back pocket, everywhere you go! It's designed for women to put themselves and their bodies as a focal point of their day. It's the best way to feel like a badass in just 45 minutes!

Live interactive 45-minute Zoom workouts that are new workouts each day

Daily workout and nutrition tracking in the app

24/7 chat support

for first 3 days
Get Back on Track & Feel Like a Bad Ass

Get Back on Track & Feel Like a Bad Ass

The Get Back on Track and Feel Like a Bad Ass is an 8-week coaching program designed to help you put yourself higher on the list and take better care of your health while you take care of everything and everyone else. Alongside a coach (me), we'll go step by step as you begin to reintroduce movement, mindful eating, and mindset into your day so that every day you can feel like a badass!

30-minute one-on-one coaching call to review your goals and establish where movement, mindful eating, and mindset can fit over the next 8 weeks.

Up to 16 45-minute online workout sessions per month for ultimate flexibility, fun, and accountability. Workouts will be a combination of muscle building, stretching, motivation, and fat burning for the best use of your time! Plus, no need to create workouts on your own, struggle with form, or worry about getting injured.

You'll get access to the Nourish Your Body Well online course that'll give you guidance to feel confident about enjoying what you eat (without giving up everything you love, counting calories, or using any apps). You'll know exactly how much and what to eat and love every single bite. You'll learn to let go of your diet mentality and learn to give yourself permission to finally enjoy the food that you thought was off-limits and where that fits into your life, even with everything going on.

During your 15-minute scheduled coaching sessions, we'll work through stress, habits, pampering, responsibilities, obligations, and more so that by the end of the 8 weeks, you have habits that will last!

24/7 chat support


Tamasia Johnson

Online Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor

I'm not the Fitness Coach who's always been "skinny" or "fit." In fact, I was my heaviest, overwhelmed, inconsistent, and exhausted when I was an educator! 😅 
 80+ pounds and 5 years later, I'm thankful to use my skills as an educator to guide my "students" in an equally gratifying and life-changing way! As a fitness coach, I specialize in helping burned-out professional women, especially school leaders and educators feel like a baddass again, just like I did! At Curvylista Fitness, we blend nutrition, exercise, and your lifestyle so that you no longer come last to work, family, and life. Like you, I loved what I did. But, I didn’t love what loving what I did, did to me! And, something had to change. The same principles that helped me and many other women intertwined with your life, schedule and tastebuds, it’s possible to have a life free from burnout, overwhelm, inconsistency, heaviness (that’s what I call overweight), sluggish, weak, and wore out. I’ve learned that feeling like a badass is especially important when others depend on your wellness., like a whole classroom, or a whole school or more a network of schools! Not to mention YOU and your family! That's what we'll do together! Sign up for a 2-week trial or a 12-week program and let's go from burned out to feeling like a bad ass together!

Tamasia Johnson

Your Feel Like a Badass Fitness Solution

Online Fitness that Feels Personal

At Curvylista Fitness, online fitness feels personal and like family. I am with you every step of the way, and always a message, chat, or text message away.

Execute With Ease

You'll learn how to put yourself first with ease and be impressed by how well you're taking better care of your health and transforming your body. During your scheduled coaching sessions, we'll work through stress, habits, pampering, responsibilities, and obligations, and more so that you have insights and habits that will last!

Measure Your Progress

Feeling like a Bad Ass is personal! That's why you'll measure your progress in more ways than just weight loss. You'll reflect on your mindset, habits, changes in your body, clothes, energy, and of course the scale.

Move Your Body Where it Fits Your Life

We'll look at your life so that you can move your body on a regular basis. You'll get up to 16 30-minute online workout sessions per month for ultimate flexibility, fun, and accountability. Workouts will be a combination of muscle building, stretching, and fat burning for the best use of your time! Plus, no need to create workouts on your own, struggle with form, or worry about getting injured.

Mindful Eating & Nourishing Your Body Well

Get support and guidance to feel confident about enjoying what you eat (without giving up everything you love, counting calories, or using any apps). You'll know exactly how much and what to eat and love every single bite. You'll learn to let go of your diet mentality and learn to give yourself permission to finally enjoy the food that you thought was off-limits and where that fits into your life, even with everything going on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Most women love the simplicity and flexibility of being able to take care of themselves from home, saving time traveling to and from the gym.

The main safety concerns when working online is wearing the right footwear and ensuring that you follow the prompts given during the workouts to ensure you are in the right form. It'll also be important to disclose any past injuries or limitations in your on-boarding questionnaire. If you experience any pain or discomfort while working out, be sure to get in touch right away. Remember, you are just getting started and it'll take some time to see improvements in your form, posture, balance, etc.

It's important to check to be sure the fitness coach specializes in what you're looking to accomplish, has had success in the past, and after a conversation or two, feeling like they are the best person to help you.

We strength train with loop bands, kettlebells, and steppers. You may also use light dumbbells. You'll also need a mat. You'll get links for any equipment that you need so that you have the best equipment. In terms of space, it's important that you have a large enough space that you can move around in and be seen on video if you are participating in the live workouts. Each workout includes several cues and reminders about form, breathing, posture, squeezing your muscles and more to ensure that you are working out safely. If ever you have a question or want to share a concern, Coach T is always a message, email or text away.

Yep! Remember, you are learning the Nourish Your Body Well principles to design how and where better nutrition habits can easily fit into your life. Because nutrition can be very tough for most women, you’ll learn how to better manage stress, cravings, and how to meal plan in a way that works for your life… long term! What I know for sure is that meal plans only work if you’re excited about them AND you are aware of the external causes of your eating habits. So yeah, we’ll do that, too!

From Burned Out to Bad Ass

Get ready to meet the stronger, energetic, and more confident, better version of yourself.